Kronos Dimensions: A Story of Innovation that Will Inspire You (2025)

Fear is a powerful thing. In business, fear can paralyze and pin us to the status quo. And other times, fear can make us storm into the future with both barrels. Without a doubt, Kronos chose the latter to help fuel its development of Workforce Dimensions, a next-generation Workforce Management (WFM) software that’s positioned to be an industry game changer.

The Future of Work

The story of Dimensions is a case study in innovation just about every business leader can be inspired by. Kronos’ leadership saw the future and advanced. They understood today’s hyper-paced business environment and how technologies such as automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) would transform how people work, where they work, and the skills/tools they would need in the future. They knew that the next big thing in a WFM solution needed to be future-ready in four key areas: cloud, mobile, data science, and social.

Aron Ain, Chief Executive Officer of Kronos,introduced Dimensions at 2017 KronosWorks and explained the company’s radical philosophy this way: “We wanted to challenge ourselves . . . to develop the product that would put us out of business.”

Disrupt or Bust

The development approach to Workforce Dimensions was bold. Because Kronos is one of the largest, most established workforce management companies in the world, leadership knew that to achieve the innovation needed, it would have to shake things up — completely.

Enter Kronos start-up, code name Falcon, the R&D arm Kronos established as a separate company. Falcon set up shop 25 miles away from corporate headquarters. It tapped the insights of new college grads and visionary engineers. The small, passionate team grew from 15 to several hundred. The team gathered customer intel — the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Kronos user experience — and brainstormed how an ideal WFM solution could function. In re-imagining the WFM platform architecture, the team drew inspiration from the User Interface (UI) and functionality of modern work gig economy apps like Uber and Task Rabbit.

Over the next three years (and $150 million later) the team came back with a WFM solution that would disrupt the industry. Workforce Dimensions was fast, intuitive, and helped everyone — from management, managers, or front-line workers — make better, faster decisions.

Dimensions Snapshot:

  • Mobile First: Dimensions is built on a fully responsive and re-imagined UI that works more like a smart phone app than a traditional WFM platform. This feature will give employees and managers the same user experience across phones, tablets, and desktops empowering anyone to work anywhere, from anytime, and from any device.

  • Cloud Power: Dimensions is built on the Kronos D5 platform, an innovative, open API cloud architecture designed to handle the challenges of processing global enterprise workforce management data in real-time.Kronos Dimensions: A Story of Innovation that Will Inspire You (3)

  • Open API: This functionality ensures Dimensions is flexible, configurable, and will benefit from future innovations.

  • Collaboration: One-click actions allow employees to make common workflows simple and use collaborative self-scheduling tools to express where, when, and how much they want to work. (Functionality that is especially relevant for sectors in which employees require control over shift swapping.)

  • Machine Learning: Dimensions includes a machine-learning-based assistant called Workforce Advisor that delivers recommendations, which can become more automatic as the system learns about the manager's intent around routine tasks such as approvals.

  • Artificial Intelligence: AI algorithms will provide proactive insights and recommendations before potential issues negatively affect engagement and the bottom line. This will allow managers to automate tasks — scheduling, time-off requests, punch histories, etc. — that used to consume hours a day.

  • Embedded Analytics: Dimensions includes embedded analytics including over 150 pre-configured Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that will give front line managers the analytics they need to make smarter, faster decisions, optimize workflow, and deliver labor insights to their organization.

  • Personalized Experience: Dimensions echoes social networks in UI and gives users the ability to personalize their user experience with the information that is most critical to their role. Users can upload their photos, choose UI colors, views, and other preferences.

Next Steps:
Currently, there are a handful of Dimension early adopters (Brookstone, Snyder’s-Lance, and University ofColorado Boulder, just to name a few). And, by all accounts, things are going smoothly.

So what about migration from Workforce Central to Dimensions? According to Kronos, they’ve built transition tools into Dimensions to help streamline the process of migrating customers. Dimensions includes tools that enable migration of up to 70% of the configurations from a typical deployment, including work rules and pay policies, dramatically reducing the amount of time required for system implementation.

Kronos Dimensions: A Story of Innovation that Will Inspire You (4)

If you are a Kronos user now, Dimensions will be your ultimate destination. However, migration is far from urgent. Remember, about the same time Kronos launched Dimensions, it also announced the upgrade to WFC 8.1 with a $40 million investment behind it. So, it will support that update for at least 10 years.

With so much buzz around Dimensions, our team of Kronos experts has two WFM recommendations:

1. Think about a Migration Road-map.Are you at a fork in the road? We can help. We can analyze your current process and help you determine the best migration path forward. Migration isn't for everyone at this time but an analysis of your system and a vision for the future may be what you need in the interim. This can be a short- or long-term plan of how and when your organization will migrate, what business processes will change, and how to leverage your current WFM until then. Every company and workforce profile is different and will require a different path forward.

2. Maximize Workforce Central. Are you using your WFC at full throttle? Or, is your organization stuck in neutral — just humming along — working in outdated modules with minimal organizational efficiency and insight? Let us show you what’s possible within the powerful WFC configuration you already have.The Improv team can help.

Each one of us —whatever size or sector our organization — can learn from the Kronos Dimensions story.

Maybe barreling forward into the vortex of change requires a Dimensions upgrade sooner than later. Or, maybe conquering fear for your organization is more specifically understanding and leveraging the WFC power tools you already have in your arsenal. Either way, the time to overcome your fear and make the change, is now. And, the team at Improv is here to help.

Improv: We Know Kronos

Are you overwhelmed with the ins and outs of Kronos? You are not alone. We are a team of devoted Kronos-certified experts that helps companies around the world implement and optimize Kronos. Contact us today. Stay informed by staying in touch: Subscribe to The Kronos Guy Blog. You can also find us at the helm of the Kronos-Fans User Group (the largest Kronos help forum on the Internet). Connect with us LinkedIn and on Twitter. We’re talking Kronos all day every day and helping organizations just like yours unleash the power of Kronos within their organization.

Kronos Dimensions: A Story of Innovation that Will Inspire You (2025)


What are the key dimensions of innovation? ›

In this article, we will delve into the four broad categories of innovation, often referred to as the "4 P's": product innovation, process innovation, position innovation, and paradigm innovation. Product innovation involves changes in the products or services offered by an organization.

What is Kronos workforce dimensions used for? ›

Kronos Workforce Dimensions allows users to create customized reports tailored to their specific needs. Users can choose from a variety of data points such as attendance, productivity, and compliance to generate comprehensive reports.

What is the UKG dimensions project? ›

UKG Dimensions provides visibility into potential compliance risks with real-time projections that predict possible violations before they occur, automatically helping to keep your organisation in regulatory compliance — and freeing up valuable time for managers.

What is ultimate Kronos group dimensions? ›

Kronos UKG Dimensions by Multisoft Virtual Academy is a comprehensive workforce management system that helps organizations with various HR tasks such as scheduling, timekeeping, absence management, and labor analytics.

What are the 4 dimensions innovation? ›

The 4 dimensions of innovation are based on the 4 Ps of Innovation space model, developed by Professors John Bessant and Joe Tidd. It presents a comprehensive framework for understanding and implementing innovation.

What are the 5 C's of innovation? ›

Conditions for Innovation: The 5 C's
  • Conviction,
  • Clarity,
  • Capacity,
  • Coalition, and.
  • Culture.
Sep 1, 2019

What is the new name for Kronos dimensions? ›

What is changing starting February 2022. You will see the name of the current system change from Kronos Workforce Central to UKG Dimensions. This is not a new vendor. Because Kronos has recently changed its name to UKG, we are upgrading to the latest technology -- UKG Dimensions.

What are the benefits of UKG Dimensions? ›

A: UKG Dimensions boasts robust reporting functionality, offering real-time dashboards and customizable reports on labor costs, scheduling trends, employee performance, and other key metrics. This enables data-driven decision-making and optimization of workforce management strategies.

What are UKG Dimensions called now? ›

UKG Dimensions is now UKG Pro Workforce Management | UKG.

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Every project is constrained by three dimensions: time, budget, and scope. This is what we've known from our project management books and training. These three dictate the direction of any project and are used to measure project success.

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I am about to explain one of the fundamental concepts of project management. It is quite straightforward, but very useful and powerful.

What is the alternative to UKG Dimensions? ›

Infor is a great alternative to Kronos (UKG) if you are in the manufacturing or distribution industry. It comes with extremely detailed supply chain management tools that easily integrate directly with additional Infor modules.

What is Kronos workforce used for? ›

Kronos is a cloud-based workforce management solution that is used to track employee time and attendance, manage schedules, and automate payroll processes. It is meant to help streamline HR and payroll processes, get employees more involved, and make sure that labour laws are followed.

Is Kronos a good system? ›

Kronos Workforce Ready is highly configurable, affordable human resources (HR) software that's aimed at small to midsize businesses (SMBS). The functionality it offers makes it robust, but it can also can make the software more complex to use than other HR tools.

What big companies use Kronos? ›

Customers of Kronos Workforce Central
CustomersEmployee RangeCity
Lowe's Companies, Inc.10,000+Mooresville
George Washington University10,000+Washington, D.C.
Wabtec Corporation (Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies)10,000+Wilmerding
6 more rows

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Let's take a look at the four pillars of innovation – Context, Culture, Capability and Collaboration.

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This framework is made up of four stages, Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver, or the 4 Ds. The first two stages, Discover and Define, focus on the problem, whereas Develop and Deliver focus more on the solution.

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The Four Key Elements of Innovation: Collaboration, Ideation, Implementation and Value Creation.

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The democratic governance of emerging science and innovation is a major challenge. We describe a framework for responsible innovation that addresses social and ethical concerns. The framework has four dimensions: anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion and responsiveness.


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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.